There are multiple steps for enrolling! The first step is through Enroll Jeffco. To enroll your child in the Lincoln Academy Pre-K program, you must complete the online application through Enroll Jeffco. In Enroll Jeffco you will have the opportunity to select which programs you are interested in placing your student. Everyone has an opportunity to enter their preference in Enroll Jeffco during Round 1 choice enrollment. After Round 1, Enroll Jeffco holds a lottery and offers will be given out based on lottery results. Anyone who does not get an immediate offer will be placed on our waitlist in the order of their lottery assignment.
The second step is applying for UPK, if your student will be 4 years old by October 1st, for PreK. Parents can register their child for up to 15 hours of free, high-quality preschool in their year before kindergarten through Colorado’s Universal Pre-K (UPK) Program.
The third step is completing your Online Registration, which will be sent to you via email once you accept an offer through Enroll Jeffco. This registration will set up your student with an account in the Jeffco school system.