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Lincoln Board of Directors

The Mission of Lincoln Academy is to help students attain their highest social and academic potential through an academically rigorous, content-rich educational program in a safe, orderly, and caring environment.

The Vision of Lincoln Academy is to prepare all students for their future endeavors by providing a comprehensive Core Knowledge® education.

Upcoming Meetings

upcoming Working session
Feb 5th, 6:30pm 
Conference room main building
Working Session: Leadership Structure Discussion 
Followed by Special Meeting: Agenda Here 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 254 400 982 064
Passcode: on6QA9TP

Regular Meetings:
For the 2024-2025 school year, BOD meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the student center, unless otherwise stated. The full list of meeting dates can be found here.
To attend our meetings virtually, please go to the Join A Microsoft Teams Meeting website ( and enter the code provided below.   

Meeting Date: February 18, 2025, 6:30pm

o Enter the Meeting ID:
o Enter the Meeting Passcode: 

Click here for the agenda (Link will always be added prior to meeting)
Click here for the merged reports file (Link will always be added prior to meeting)

Public Comment will be available. Please email the Board President ( by 6 p.m. prior to each meeting. 

Quick Links

Welcome to our site! Below are some quick links to commonly searched information:

-2024-25 Agendas, Minutes, Reports, and Recordings 
-Board Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
- Committee Meeting Dates and Information (Located under each committee tab under Board Committees)
-Current Strategic Plan (Located under Governing Documents Page)
-Board Policy (Located under Governing Documents Page)
-Board Bylaws (Located under Governing Documents Page)

-CIPA Compliance Info 2024-25 (AUP located under Family Resources Page)