4th Grade
Welcome to Fourth Grade
Fourth grade is a fantastic year filled with exciting history studies, intriguing literature that grabs the imagination, hands-on science, and math that will help the students as they continue to develop the skills for the next years ahead.
This week in 4th Grade
Upcoming Events
- September 11: PTO Community Night: Skate City 6:00-8:00 pm
- September 17: Board Meeting 6:30 pm
- September 17-20: Book Fair
- September 18: PTO Community Night: Chipotle (64th and Ward)
- September 20: Grandparents' Day Celebration, Noon Dismissal
- September 24: PTO Meeting 6:30 pm
- September 26: Math Night (K-8) 6:00 pm
- September 27: Community Night at the Rockies 6:10 pm
Other Helpful Info
For additional support in 4th Grade - Admin Contact: Jennifer Thomson-Brozovich - jennifer.thomson-brozovich@jeffco.k12.co.us