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Department of Student Success (DSS)

The Department of Student Success, (DSS), provides structured opportunities for students to reach their academic and social potential. We implement data-driven, research based assessments and interventions to support all of our students. We partner with parents, staff and students through a team approach that focuses on consultation, direct service, observation, analysis and assessment. We seek to challenge all of our students to help them identify and build upon their personal gifts and talents.

DSS Includes:

Gifted Education & Enrichment - Enrichment for students who need more challenge in specific areas. Advance Learning Plans (ALP)

* Special Education Testing and Services  - Individualized Education Plans (IEP)

* English as a Second Language (ESL) 

* Support for Parents - Do you want information or materials to work on at home?  Your classroom teacher has great ideas and we are also available to help you. If you have a concern regarding your child, do not hesitate to call or email. We can work with you and your classroom teacher to find a solution.

Links to Help at Home